
"Do not confirm to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind" ~ Romans 12:2

# LT, schooling ideas, startup talks, movie reviews, food safari, techie hacks, funky writing, photo deck, travel log, α training, etc.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Does God Give Signs

As a family both Jenny and myself have been at the crossroads of a major decision-making process recently and we've battled with it for some time.

We thanked God for the fact that we have the opportunity to trust in Him to make the choice.
I'm sure many of us have gone through such circumstances more than once and we rely on God through His Scriptures, Prayer, Signs, Prophesy etc.

There is nothing harder than to wait patiently for an answer from God to make a step of faith. A recent article that I was going through (whose title that I've used generously) gives a very practical way of working with God on a sign for confirming a decision.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sam @ Zynga

Sam (my brother) has been faced with the dilemma of joining one of 2 Game development companies. Sometimes it can be a simple decision based on job description or compensation.

But often its the amount of selling that the companies push to get you on board immediately. It is usually the pressure of getting an interesting career that haunts us more than the job itself.

The "what if" I join this company or that company. Whichever the case the best is yet to happen. Its the break that he was hoping for after interning at a startup - IronJaw Studios

God has been helping Sam faithfully with his decision making and giving him the needed confidence to nudge in the right direction. I've been going through a similar situation of choices lately and I find Gods grace abounding when I truly surrender.

He's finally at Zynga Bangalore and quite excited about it! He has gone through a lot of hardship before reaching this juncture. Kudos to your perseverance bro !!

Verses of comfort :
  • "Christ in you, the hope of glory" - Colossians 1:27
  • "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to Prosper you and not to harm you " - Jeremiah 29:11
PS: Current destination @ Flixygames

Alpha course

Yesterday Jenny and I finally managed to spend time going over the first DVD set (courtesy Colin & Navaz) together on the Alpha course. The material is a recorded session of a marriage workshop given by a couple - Nicky & Sila Lee in UK.

Although the material is a recorded video of a workshop, we have attended a similar one recently at Word of Grace church which was facilitated by James & Will  Barton .

The whole concept has been properly compiled and structured to give a solid foundation to your marriage.